Sunday, 10 January 2010

Blogging again in 2010!

Hello! Apologies for the insane months long delay between blog posts. I don't really have any real excuses, other than getting caught up in the craziness of the last half of the term, Christmas etc. and I kind of forgot about posting.

However, after a few subtle and not to subtle questions about the blog ('Heather, what's the deal? If you don't update soon, I'm just going to stop checking. Forever.') I figured I should get back on the ball. I also watched 'Julie and Julia' on the flight back from Toronto and it reminded me that I do enjoy writing my thoughts down and sharing them with those in cyberspace. I thought a new format would be fun too.

A quick recap: October half term my mom came to visit and we went to Budapest (amazing!) and then to visit relatives in the Czech Republic. My Christmas season started early, as I teach in a Catholic school. Lots of carol singing and nativity play practice happened in December. Was lucky enough to head back to Canada for the holidays, and had an excellent visit with friends and family.

Have a few exciting things coming up this year. After a 'knitting intervention' from my very experienced Aunt Marie over the holidays, I now am doing things correctly, which is nice and much more satisfying. There is a knitting store that opens it's doors on Wednesday and Thursday nights for people to stop by and work on their projects. They sell wine too! (Although I'm not sure I can handle alcohol and knitting at this point) I've got some chunky wool and plan to make some hats, and really cool wool my flatmate Holly doesn't like, so am going to attempt a scarf with that.

I've also signed up to take some Spanish courses on Tuesday night after school. A school in our borough is offering courses for free, so I feel as though I should take advantage. I'm hoping that my knowledge of French will help me out. Right now I only know how to say 'hot' and 'water' in Spanish.

That is all for now. I do plan on posting more frequently/regularly in the future, so check back when you can!


  1. Mind if I ask which borough you're in? I'm supposed to be learning Spanish, too, but I suck at self-study and I can't afford to pay for classes.

  2. I'm teaching in Tower Hamlets. Am not sure how the scheme works but can ask around and get back to you.
