Friday, 5 June 2009

Techie Teacher

First of all, apologies for such a delay between blog posts. It's been a crazy fews weeks. My cousin (who's living in Paris) came for an extended long weekend visit and my sister (from Vancouver) came for a super long visit. Luckily, their holiday times overlapped, and we were able to have a mini cousins reunion in London. In amongst there, the last half term break of the school year came and went. I was able to spend 3 nights in Ibiza, which was relaxing and beautiful.

I thought I'd do a blog post on how technology is used in the classroom here in the UK. I've been preparing for having my own class next year, and am realizing how integral technology will be in my planning, lessons and general classroom life.

First of all, all classrooms have a SmartBoard/ Interactive White Board (IWB) as standard equipment. This is a projector that displays the computer desktop on a screen that can be manipulated using the IWB pens. You can show your class articles/videos from the internet, power point presentations, teach lessons using EasyTeach  (like power point, but made for classroom lessons) and anything else you want your class to see. There's also a program with the IWB that's a blank screen, that you can write on using the IWB pens and save for later use.

My school just recently purchased a class set of laptops to be used to further ICT lessons. The school has also just been fitted with WiFi, so that they can use the internet on the laptops.

Schools may use a 'scheme of work', which is like a set program for a particular subject, complete with teachers guide, student textbooks and sample lesson plans. My school uses the Abacus maths scheme and recently we had a staff inset on using their software program. With this program, you're able to differentiate your lessons between high, middle and lower ability; see what activities require TA support and track your students attendance, to ensure that they are taught the concept when back at school.

We also had an inset recently on using the 'espresso' software, which is a cross curricular program for Foundation, KS1 and KS2 students/teachers. There are videos and activities on here that students can do on their own, as well as news reports geared at children,  handwriting practice and differentiated news articles that can be used on the IWB for the whole class.  They also have a 'Staff room' icon, that contains ideas for topic planning, field trips and assessment. This program is totally geared to teaching, and is very user friendly. They don't have anything on there that takes more than one minute to download.

Lots to know for next year!


  1. This is great information, Heather. Thanks for posting! I am a teacher with Classroom Canada going over in August. Keep posting when you can :)


  2. Yes, good post Heather! Perhaps you could re-post on the Classroom Canada Teachers blog for others to see there & link back to your blog? I'm sure the teachers will want to read this. As always, you rock!

  3. Heather - you've just been tagged to participate in a meme! Go to my blog to see the rules :-)

  4. Loads of primary schools still don't have IWB or a stack of wifi-enabled laptops so you're very lucky. :-)

    Technology when used correctly can revolutionise the way we teach and the way kids learn. The problem is, in a lot of schools that I've been to, staff don't use the technology to the full or even use it at all and subsequently it sits gathering dust.

    It's great to hear that you've got some great technology at your disposal and that you're planning to use it to the full.
