Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Three Weeks Down...

Well, I have been back in London for three weeks now since Christmas, and am glad to report that I am feeling much more settled. I suppose it just took me a while to get over: 
  • jet lag,
  • getting back to work, 
  • adjusting back to being in the UK,
  • getting used to the idea that close friends and family are far away. 
I also am getting used to: 
  • exploring new and cool areas/aspects of London, 
  • looking forward to half term break trip to Amsterdam, and other school breaks
  • figuring out other places that I want to see that are within reach and reasonable (Paris, Dublin, Rome and Edinburgh are 'must do's' for me right now; wish list includes - Dubrovnik, Lisbon, Athens, Barcelona, Budapest, Brussels.....)
Now, I am focusing on 'what's next'. I don't want to appear as though I'm wishing this all away, or counting down to the end already, because I know what a fantastic opportunity it is to be here, living and working in another country. It is a little disconcerting though, to have a big question mark for what you're going to be doing with your life in 7 months.  

On one hand, I can head back to Ontario and attempt to get a job in a school board, which has always been a dream - to have my own classroom. Be in same time zone as most friends and family.  Not be stressed about exchange rates and sending money back home.  Enjoy familiar Canadian culture.  Travel to other areas within Canada I have yet to see - which is quite a lot. Get an apartment, a kitten and a keyboard (New Years/Life resolution to get back into piano playing). 

On the other hand, I could stay here until my Visa expires (Sept. 2010 - eep!) and knock off many places that I want to see from my list, and many more.  I would become more of a London local and feel more familiar in this huge metropolis. In the grand scheme of my whole life, 2 years isn't really that long. Since I don't think I'll pick up and live in another country again, once I decide to go home I will stay.  I would become more familiar with the British school system and different teaching styles.

Obviously, this is a decision that will take a while to make. I also need to do some research about both sides (Stay - Where will I work? Live in the same spot? Go - How easy is it to get a job? Where will I live?) which will hopefully make things clearer.  I am also aware that whatever decision I make, if I turn out to be miserable I can always go back.  Hmmmmm

Until next time

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